Earn Money Doing What You Love! 10 Steps to the Job or Career of Your Dreams

I work with teachers who are experiencing the pain and heartache of teacher burnout. I know there are people in the general population who don’t understand that concept. I hear from them all the time. They think teachers have it easy.

If you are a teacher, however, or if you care about one, you know that teaching is not easy. The people who reach out to me are, without fail, caring, compassionate and highly professional. The conversations we have usually run along these lines:  “I still love the kids. If I could just teach without having to bother with all the other ‘stuff,’ I could teach forever. But I can’t just teach anymore, and it isn’t fun anymore! There are endless meetings. Paperwork that no one ever reads but must be filled out anyway. Tests that are tied to salary schedules. Evaluations that are a joke. Principals who are taught to manage by bullying instead of how to be instructional leaders in the building…and the list goes on.

Poor building leadership is, in my opinion, the leading cause of teacher burnout. If a teacher believes the principal has her back, she will stay no matter what, through thick and thin. If the principal is weak, however, and fails to provide the support and resources teachers in the building need, all bets are off. It becomes a scene of “every man (and woman) for himself.”

The hard question teachers suffering from burnout grapple with is what can I do instead if I don’t teach? I am “just” a teacher. I don’t know how to do anything else.

The truth is that the number of things a teacher can do post their teaching career are endless and only limited by the imagination.

I recently wrote a guide on the topic of how to “Earn Money Doing What You Love! 10 Steps to the Job or Career of Your Dreams.” If you would like the guide for FREE, click here to download your FREE copy:  https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/earn-money-doing-what-you-love-givaway/.

earn money doing what you love written on chalkboar

Also, if you want to learn more about this topic, join me for one of two free webinar presentations that I am offering later this week. Here is the link to use to select the dates and times you would like to attend:  https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/51fe39bfc4

Here is what I will be covering:  

  • The question of what it means to make a life for yourself as opposed to just making a living.
  • What I believe are 10 specific steps you can take to find (or create) your dream job.
  • NEW information on the coming BIG change in the economy. (Hint:  It is MASSIVE. You want to prepare yourself accordingly.)
  • The objections most people offer for why they aren’t already pursuing the job or career of their dreams.

And much, much more.

If you have joined me for one of my “Jumpstart Your Job Search” programs before, you might want to hop on this presentation because it is similar with a twist.

I am recently obsessed with what it takes to live the life of your dreams, and I want to explore that question for myself and for you.

So what do you say? Will you join me? Hit this link now and sign up for the date and time that works for you: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/51fe39bfc4.

Until next time.

Do you need help looking for your next career opportunity? Why not try out a 20-minute complimentary Discovery Session? Just click here for my calendar. I would love to chat with you about your possibilities.

Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP is a former educator and Past President of the Virginia Education Association. After over three decades teaching and advocating for public education, she retooled and reinvented herself. She became a Certified Life Strategies and Stress Management Coach and a Career Transition & Job Search Coach trained by a nationally known career expert. Kitty specializes in helping teachers who are suffering from teacher burnout. She is the owner and CEO of Boitnott Coaching, LLC and the founder of TeachersinTransition.comTeachersinDistress.Wordpress.com, and 


Not sure is you are experiencing teacher burnout? Check yourself with this free checklist. Click here:  https://kittyboitnott.leadpages.co/7-signs-of-teacher-burnout/

Business man in office with burnout syndrome at desk

Teacher suffering from overwhelm.

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